Crispy Chinese Duck with California Slaw

California Cuisine – Crispy Chinese Duck with California Slaw

Did anyone see that movie LA Story with Steve Martin in the in 80’s? It was so entertaining, and had all these jokes in it that are not as funny today because so many of the jokes actually came true.  The point is, there is this really funny scene where someone is asking what type […]

Asparagus – Roasted Asparagus with Soft Cooked Eggs

So it turns out you can actually grow your own asparagus. Who knew? I’m no stranger to having a vegetable garden, mind you. But asparagus has always seemed a little extra intimidating.  As with anything, it takes time.  A productive asparagus bed must be mature… Like a few years old… And then it should produce […]

Summer Tomatoes – Panzanella and Oven Roasted Tomato Sauce

  I think tomatoes from a home garden in late summer are biblically good. Like crazy sweet juicy amazing good. They have an intensity and sweetness that it is very difficult to find elsewhere.  Growing them at home is so gratifying, since you get to watch them germinate from the seed and then expand into […]

Cocktail Parties – part 2… The cocktails

So this is what being pregnant or nursing for a few years in a row does to your brain…. How can I write a post about cocktail parties without sharing some favorite cocktails? Oh, and I do have some favorites.  There are the traditional ones, like margaritas and sangria, which, when made well, can be […]