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5 comments on “Follow

  1. Hi Adrienne,
    I love reading your posts! It is inspiring me to try your recipes even though I’m not much of a cook. Please keep sending me emails each time you write a new post.
    Debbie xo

  2. Adrienne: Sue & Nim have been raving (and rightly so) about your blog. I reviewed this last blog and drooling….. Looking forward to more.

  3. Hi Adrienne!
    When I visited your garden at your last open house, I noticed all your pots were black. Are these a special kind? I thought I heard you mention something about them. I just started my own fennel plant and napa cabbage which I would like to plant. Now not sure if I should plant in the garden or in a pot. thanks for your tips. I look forward to purchasing some more of your fig jam. It was really yummy.
    thanks – Ilona

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