Summer Tomatoes – Panzanella and Oven Roasted Tomato Sauce

  I think tomatoes from a home garden in late summer are biblically good. Like crazy sweet juicy amazing good. They have an intensity and sweetness that it is very difficult to find elsewhere.  Growing them at home is so gratifying, since you get to watch them germinate from the seed and then expand into […]

Your own chickens and your very own eggs

Here’s something so accessible to people and most don’t know… You can keep chickens in most urban and suburban settings in the United States…. With some exceptions of course. Each locality has space requirements that designate how far your chicken coop must be from all nearby dwellings (an apartment in NYC probably won’t work). Some […]

Cocktail Parties – part 2… The cocktails

So this is what being pregnant or nursing for a few years in a row does to your brain…. How can I write a post about cocktail parties without sharing some favorite cocktails? Oh, and I do have some favorites.  There are the traditional ones, like margaritas and sangria, which, when made well, can be […]

Vegan Thoughts – Quinoa Salad and Hummus with Kalamata Olives

I am not vegan.  I enjoy many foods that are decidedly animal based, and that is simply who I am.  Having said that, I have a true and intense curiosity about vegan-ism… Let me walk you through it…. It turns out being a vegan, or practicing being a vegan even SOMETIMES may help in three […]